Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Takoyaki Party

So this last weekend, there was a takoyaki party at Carmen’s apt. Ever since I had it the first week in Iwaki, I’ve tried to stay away from it. It’s really just okonomiyaki rolled up into little balls, but then again, I really don’t like okonomiyaki either.

So at this party we could stick anything we wanted in them, that’s what she said… My first thought was that I could make cheeseburger-yaki, but that idea fell through when I couldn’t find ground beef at the store, even though I just didn’t look hard enough. So next idea, Pizza-yaki. Salami (they don’t sell pepperoni) and cheese, topped with tomato sauce. Now I don’t want to toot my own whistle (does it make you gay if you do?), but I’m pretty sure pizza-yaki has to be one of the greatest inventions ever made, next to melon soda. It was sooo hot, I dropped that shit like Snoop.

When I was at the store too, I bought a 6 pack. I drank all of them. Super trashed, but I didn’t stop there. When we went to karaoke, I kept making conbene runs and literally drank 2 or 3 more. I can’t remember the exact tally. I’m pretty sure I didn’t black out but there are some things I don’t remember, like running into cars, poking people, and a few other things. I was definitely, exponentially more obnoxious than normal. I think stage 2 of culture shock may have hit.

I was really hung-over the next day.

Cultural Note

1. Takoyaki- (Taco-ya-key) “Octopus Balls,” battered BALLS of cut up octopus and other things inside. Usually covered in Mayonnaise and a sweet sauce similar to teriyaki, then covered in dried bonito fish flakes
2. Bonito fish flakes – Dried bonito fish flakes that tend to “dance” when on something hot, probably moving because of the steam rising from the food.
3. Okonomiyaki- (Oh-ko-no-me-ya-key) Savory pancake filled with seafood (generally squid or octopus) and veggies. Different areas have different styles. Some with noodles on the bottom, or rolled like a crepe and topped with an egg. Same toppings as takoyaki.

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