Sunday, February 22, 2009

Nara Deer

In Nara, there are a ton of temples. The whole place is a cultural heritage site. Really, it’s just a huge park with temples all over…and DEER. Random. Ass. DEER. Frolicking about. Bambi.

As we walked, we discovered the first sign of the beasts based on their droppings: too big for a rabbit, but too clumpy to be a dog. This = Deer.

So we found a vendor selling deer bait (stale old senbei), and lured those buggers into our trap. Our petting trap. But then we were overwhelmed. Ryoko got scared, but she didn’t know the secret to getting them off. A swift kick in the cahones. And in the case of a girl deer, aim for the vaj.

Cultural Note:

1. Senbei – (Sen-bay) – Rice Cracker

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