Sunday, February 22, 2009

Beer Museum/ Dessert Bar/ Bakeries

In Tokyo, we went to the Yebisu Beer Museum. There we saw the beginnings of Yebisu Beer and partook in some world-renowned (terrible) beer. We even got crackers. It was during the evening too, so people were getting really wasted around us. Plus because they’re asian, their faces were almost as red as the center of the Japanese Flag.

Our next food stop was an all-you-can-eat dessert bar. A buff. Both of us love dessert. We went balls out (well I did anyways. Ryoko is a girl). They had curry and pasta there too.

Lastly and most importantly, are the bakeries. Now in addition to all the sandwiches we ate at the convenience stores, we dominated bakeries. It was standard procedure when we got in there too; got it down to a science. Find a sandwich, find a savory, and find dessert (maybe 2 if we felt like it). I don’t think I’ve ever eaten so much bakery stuff in my life before or after that trip.

Cultural Note:

1. Buff – (Boof) – Short for buffet (buh-fay) – an all-you-can-eat selection of food and drink.

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