Thursday, November 13, 2008


My intense boredom and slow onset of insanity has made me decide that I need to pick up some hobbies.

Numero Uno – I’m going to start drawing again. I took a class in high school, and I wasn’t that bad at it, so I figure I’m going to start up again. I was watching some tutorials on youtube and I learned how to draw a circle, a cylinder, and a cone. The next thing I started to practice was shading a sphere. Now this was difficult. It always came out as shit. But it was perfectly round. It reminds me of what a girl’s poop might look like if girls pooped. But because girls don’t poop, it’s all left to my fantasy, not imagination, fantasy.

Numero Dos – I’m going to start playing guitar. After one 1-unit class that I got a B in, I think I’m ready to start my career as a heavy metal acoustic guitar player, who only plays love songs to women who can’t understand English lyrics. If John Lennon could do it…

Let’s Rock and Rice!


vinbiezel said...

yoshida! your blog is amazing. its like crack mixed with coco curry. wait those are basically the same thing...

anyways. I totally 'lol' when reading your blog. and I never 'lol.' I'm much more of a 'heh' kind of guy.

ok, yup. thats all. hope iwaki is nice and snow-free (which it always is). maybe see you for thanksgiving at nas's.


globalimagination said...

Your last post was over a month ago, quit half steppin asshole!